full transcript

From the Ted Talk by Karen Lellouche Tordjman: Siri, Alexa, Google ... what comes next?

Unscramble the Blue Letters

Now, rmnometioedacn engines powered by artificial igeeiltcnnle are not new. Far from it. We actually use them multiple times a day already. On average, 70 percent of the time spent on YouTube is on voides recommended by their algorithm. And you may also own a wristband that you use to track your sleep or monitor your workout. And there's the first grateeinon of voice-enabled virtual assistants. You know, like Google Home or aaozmn Alexa that you can use to change the temperature of your room. Your car as well is probably equipped with the same things that can help you manage your music or give you dotriceins, hands-free.

Open Cloze

Now, ______________ engines powered by artificial ____________ are not new. Far from it. We actually use them multiple times a day already. On average, 70 percent of the time spent on YouTube is on ______ recommended by their algorithm. And you may also own a wristband that you use to track your sleep or monitor your workout. And there's the first __________ of voice-enabled virtual assistants. You know, like Google Home or ______ Alexa that you can use to change the temperature of your room. Your car as well is probably equipped with the same things that can help you manage your music or give you __________, hands-free.


  1. recommendation
  2. amazon
  3. intelligence
  4. directions
  5. generation
  6. videos

Original Text

Now, recommendation engines powered by artificial intelligence are not new. Far from it. We actually use them multiple times a day already. On average, 70 percent of the time spent on YouTube is on videos recommended by their algorithm. And you may also own a wristband that you use to track your sleep or monitor your workout. And there's the first generation of voice-enabled virtual assistants. You know, like Google Home or Amazon Alexa that you can use to change the temperature of your room. Your car as well is probably equipped with the same things that can help you manage your music or give you directions, hands-free.

Frequently Occurring Word Combinations

ngrams of length 2

collocation frequency
smart assistant 4
smart assistants 4
google home 2
large range 2
tech players 2
background noise 2
natural language 2
language processing 2

ngrams of length 3

collocation frequency
natural language processing 2

Important Words

  1. alexa
  2. algorithm
  3. amazon
  4. artificial
  5. assistants
  6. average
  7. car
  8. change
  9. day
  10. directions
  11. engines
  12. equipped
  13. generation
  14. give
  15. google
  16. home
  17. intelligence
  18. manage
  19. monitor
  20. multiple
  21. music
  22. percent
  23. powered
  24. recommendation
  25. recommended
  26. room
  27. sleep
  28. spent
  29. temperature
  30. time
  31. times
  32. track
  33. videos
  34. virtual
  35. workout
  36. wristband
  37. youtube